blogging Archive

My New Project, Reviews Boss, Is Underway

Hi all, My new project – and where I am going to be focusing much of my web marketing energies in the coming months – is now up in a tentative state. Although there is lots of work to be done to polish the look and feel of the site, I am nonetheless pleased to

New Case Studies/Tests Coming

Hi guys, Been away on holiday but I’m excited to announce that new case studies and Internet marketing tests are coming. In particular, I’ll be focusing on: Using Facebook boosted posts in conjunction with “skyscraper” content to drive traffic and build a list, and then use that list to promote a niche blog. Building Facebook

Bing Ads And Affiliate Marketing – Update 1

So I’ve been following (roughly) a method I read on the Warrior Forum of all places. It’s a guide to making money as an affiliate with Bing Ads. You can check out the 11 page thread here, where the OP – a guy who goes by the handle “solarwarrior” – outlines what sounds like a

Check Out My Fiverr SEO Gigs

One of my goals for 2015 is to reduce the amount I rely on selling Clickbank affiliate products, and instead branch out into offering more services. This might seem counter-intuitive at first (after all … shouldn’t we always be chasing “passive” income?) but I’m the kind of person who likes a challenge, and who enjoys

Google Adwords Advanced Display Exam: Sample Questions & Answers

WARNING: This resource is purely for reference only; these are EXAMPLE questions. I will not be held responsible if you use the answers (or any of your own answers derived thereof) in the following material and then fail the Adwords Display Advanced Exam, nor will I be held responsible if none of the questions below

Essential Reading: How To Stop Procrastinating

In my 5+ years’ experience in the affiliate marketing and SEO game, I’ve come to realize that procrastination and “analysis paralysis” are the BIGGEST killers of success. There are so many awesome proven money-making methods out there that work. There’s no end to the litany of ways you can get started with Internet marketing for

Back From A Brief Hiatus

Dear readers, I come bearing a gift of good news. After a brief – relatively speaking, of course – hiatus I’m “back from the dead” to deliver more hard-hitting Internet marketing and SEO training. 2014 is already shaping up to be an exciting year, and as we prepare to move into March it’s time to

Connect With Me on LinkedIn

Have you got LinkedIn? If not, then you’re missing out on one of the best social networks around. In fact, I like LinkedIn so much that I’m tempted to delete all my other social networks in favour of it (although that probably wouldn’t be ideal for the whole “building a social presence” thing). If you’ve

My First Foray Into Cryptocurrency With Infinitecoin

As an avid online marketer, affiliate, and SEO nut I obviously love all aspects of technology. I especially love seeing the “hidden power” of the Internet become unlocked and unleashed for the masses to enjoy. One of the most exciting online developments of the past few years is cryptocurrency. You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, and

Add Me To Your Google Plus Circles

Dear reader, As you have stopped by my blog I would very much appreciate if you would consider adding me to your Google Plus circles. Just go here to visit my profile, and then add me to your circles. I will add you back as well.