blogging Archive
16 Oct 2013
Exciting Updates Coming Soon

This is just a quick heads up to let you know that there are some exciting updates coming on this website, and on my email newsletter list (which you can join here for free + get a cool eBook on affiliate marketing). In particular, there’s going to be: 1) A BRAND NEW eBook/training resource specifically
01 Apr 2013
Like 5 Minute SEO on Facebook

I don’t normally have too many requests (although if you want to make me really happy I suggest that you purchase a copy of Keyword Research Redux here – it’s my ultimate guide to finding profitable buyer keywords and I’m sure you’ll really love it) However, I do have a request to make today. I
20 Mar 2013
Join Me On Facebook

Hey, how’s it going? I want YOU to come join me on Facebook and like my new 5 Minute SEO Facebook page. I’ll be using this page to share regular news and updates about SEO (obviously) and Internet marketing + any relevant news from the “make money online” scene. While you’re at it, follow me
12 Mar 2013
Maybe Enabling Blog Comments Was A Bad Idea…

So I’ve come to the conclusion that enabling blog comments maybe wasn’t such a good idea for me: Nonetheless, I will press on now that I have Comment Luv enabled on this blog (this is your opportunity to snag a great backlink and all that jazz). If you’ve actually got a useful comment to add,
04 Mar 2013
Comment Luv Enabled

This is just a quick post to let you know that Comment Luv is now enabled on this blog. What this means is that every time you comment, you are able to get a quality, high PR backlink to your blog (this site has Google PageRank 3, so I would advise that you start commenting
03 Mar 2013
What I’m Doing At The Moment

You might be wondering why I haven’t been posting as regularly as I have done in the past on this blog. Don’t worry; I haven’t forgot you, and I will be posting more exciting content over the coming days, weeks, months, and years (and centuries, if you’re lucky). However, I have also been extremely busy
16 Feb 2013
How To Stop Being Lazy & Procrastinating

What is the biggest killer of success and profit when it comes to Internet marketing? Is it a lack of a proven system? Or perhaps you don’t have the start up funds to make a real good shot at it. If you thought either of those (or anything similar) then you would be well wrong
12 Feb 2013
Essential Reading Roundup

Hi guys, In today’s post we’re going to deviate from the norm a bit; I’m going to share with you some essential reading that you cannot afford to miss. This will become a regular fixture, so keep an eye out for these weekly roundups. P.S. If you see or hear of anything cool or newsworthy
26 Jan 2013
What’s Stopping YOU From Making Money?

Hey guys, how’s it going? I want you to tell me exactly what’s stopping YOU from making money online. It could be anything; lack of start-up funds, information overload, analysis paralysis, or just struggling to make that first sale to really boost your confidence. Tell me your story and you could WIN a free copy
20 Jan 2013
Launching My First WSO Soon – Reviewers Wanted

Hi guys, how’s it going? I’m sure you’re probably familiar with my love/hate relationship (mostly hate though, to be honest) with the Warrior Forum. I’ve documented that on this post about the best Internet marketing forum. However, I’ve also decided that it’s time to launch my first WSO. I’ve got some excellent product ideas floating