seo Archive
04 May 2016
Are You Using Source Market Yet?
If not, then you’re missing out. Source Market is hands down my favourite SEO/Internet Marketing service marketplace. The brainchild of Alex Becker, this site is simply leagues ahead of Fiverr in terms of getting good quality Internet marketing gigs at a fair price. Because sellers are free to set their own prices, as well as
18 Oct 2015
Can Increasing Content Length Help You To Rank?
A hunch I’ve always had (and one which does seem to be borne out in certain tests done by various bloggers/groups) is that longer content ranks better in Google. After all, the big G itself has made it clear that it has a strong focus on quality content, so it certainly makes sense that longer
03 Oct 2015
New SEO Fiverr Gigs Up
Hi guys, I’ve decided to get back into doing some gigs on micro-transaction sites like Fiverr, Peopleperhour and SEOclerks. Although it’s not the most efficient way of making money (and breaks away from the unrelenting trend of chasing the “passive income” dream) I do enjoy providing good service for people, and it’s a great way
20 Sep 2014
Do Directory Submissions Have Any SEO Value?
One of the most common questions I hear asked about SEO is whether directory submissions have any value for your link profile. I’m talking about those old-school directories that look like this: When it comes to the effectiveness of web directory links for improving a site’s backlink profile and boosting SEO, there are two main
24 Jul 2014
Beginner’s Guide To Keyword Research (p1)
Over the coming days I’ll be posting video lessons that form part of a course I was working on creating earlier this year, called “Beginner’s Guide To Keyword Research”. I was going to release this course on but in the end got waylaid and lost my drive to finish the course to the standard
23 Mar 2014
Small Business SEO In 3 Steps

Deploying an effective SEO strategy is critical for the success of your small business in the Internet age. If you rank below your competitors for important keywords related to your niche, product, or service, then you stand to lose business like a sieve loses water! In this article you are going to learn how to
27 Feb 2014
The Only SEO Strategy You’ll Ever Need

SEO is a complex topic. From link building to keyword optimization, and everything else in-between, it is always too easy to become bogged down in the quagmire of SEO. For this reason, it is important to step back and examine the bigger picture. There is no pressing need to concern yourself with every minute detail
26 Feb 2014
SEO For Small Businesses

Despite the constant media bombardment about economic recovery and “green shoots” in the Western world, it is clear to most that the middle class (and small businesses in particular) are struggling to stay afloat. Lowered revenues and profits mean less money available to spend on advertising, while the continual shrinking of the average consumer’s wallet
04 Jan 2014
Link Building Strategy for 2014

Happy New Year everybody! To give something back to you (my beloved readers) I’ve put together a list of some very powerful SEO strategies you might want to try in 2014. I’ve been working on some of these for a while, and hope you enjoy them. Focus On White Hat Links We all know that
10 Nov 2013
Link Building Could Hurt Your Site

Link building is the hottest topic in the vast realm of SEO. Many webmasters dedicate countless hours of their lives to building links in the hope of reaching the Holy Grail of page one rankings for their keywords. However, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that SEO link building could actually be