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What Are Negative Keywords & Why Do You Need To Use Them?

Essentially, with Google Ads you say to Google ‘I want to show my ad for users who search for these keywords’ – and then you provide that list of keywords. Having said that, depending on how you supply this list to Google (i.e. what ‘match types’ you use) you give Google varying degrees of lenience

What Is Remarketing & How Can It Benefit Your Business?

Remarketing (also referred to as retargeting) is at its most basic the technique of promoting on the web to and audience which has previously viewed your site. This can encourage conversions/sales from people who have checked out your web site but who have not yet acted – many people want to view an offer at

Newsflash: You Don’t Need Google

I’m not normally one to post up short quips just for the sake of stirring controversy, but a recent browse of the Warrior Forum (yes, I do have some guilty pleasures, even though as I outlined here I much prefer Blackhat World) turned up a comment too “gold” to ignore. Here is what this well-respected

Get My Kindle Keyword Research eBook For $2.99

Howdy folks, how’s it going? I’m pleased to announce that you can now get your hands on my very first Kindle eBook – How To Find Profitable Buyer Keywords In 30 Minutes – for the paltry sum of $2.99. I’ve also published it under a pseudonym, which is something I have always wanted to do since I

Free Keyword Research Tool + Guide

In this blog post I’m revealing my secret “Five Minute Keyword Research” method. You can discover a more advanced method that I use for even better results here. Finding profitable keywords does not need to be a total chore that takes hours and hours of time. Furthermore, you don’t need ANY expensive keyword research software

Infographic: How To Get High Email Open Rates

If you’re into email marketing using a service like Fluttermail (try it here for $1) then you will know that one of the most difficult issues you can face is getting high click-through rates. Without strong click-throughs you will have to find a lot more leads to achieve your goals. That’s why I’ve decided to

How To Find Profitable Keywords With Ubersuggest

Watch the following video: And then get your copy of Keyword Research Redux here, where I show you EXACTLY how to master keyword research once and for all. You can purchase by clicking the button below, or find out more about the guide here.

Boost Your SEO with A Single Mouse Click

Time-saving SEO techniques are extremely popular. Everyone wants to find a way of getting greater results from less work. However, there are a lot of “one click” SEO techniques that have absolutely no value whatsoever. In this article you are going to learn the real way to boost your SEO with a single mouse click.

How To Syndicate Articles (Like A Boss)

Article syndication is HOT. Or at least that’s what info product sellers, certain groups of members from a “certain” Internet marketing forum, and just about every newbie with 6 months’ experience wants you to believe. So in today’s blog post, I’m going to jump on the bandwagon and show you how to syndicate articles –

Warrior Forum Scams & Free Speech

I was chilling on the Warrior Forum this afternoon (normally I go on Black Hat World, for reasons which I discussed in my “What Is The Best Internet Marketing Forum” post). I decided to put together a high-quality post that showed, absolutely free of charge and with no linking to any of my own sites