Can Increasing Content Length Help You To Rank?

A hunch I’ve always had (and one which does seem to be borne out in certain tests done by various bloggers/groups) is that longer content ranks better in Google.  After all, the big G itself has made it clear that it has a strong focus on quality content, so it certainly makes sense that longer

Want To Learn Long-Tail Keyword Research? Watch This Video

I don’t subscribe (not as in opinion, but as in pay monthly fees) to many programs or software suites for Internet marketing and SEO. The hard truth is that most things can be done for free, especially if you don’t mind putting in elbow grease or fiddling around with data. Most SEO software tools simply

New SEO Fiverr Gigs Up

Hi guys, I’ve decided to get back into doing some gigs on micro-transaction sites like Fiverr, Peopleperhour and SEOclerks. Although it’s not the most efficient way of making money (and breaks away from the unrelenting trend of chasing the “passive income” dream) I do enjoy providing good service for people, and it’s a great way

Manifesting Success In Affiliate Marketing

Let’s face it, affiliate marketing isn’t easy (in fact no form of Internet marketing is easy at all). It’s a hard road full of hours spent in front of the computer, slaving away and trying all sorts of different methods and campaigns until you strike a bit of gold. If you want to do as

Bing Ads And Affiliate Marketing – Update 1

So I’ve been following (roughly) a method I read on the Warrior Forum of all places. It’s a guide to making money as an affiliate with Bing Ads. You can check out the 11 page thread here, where the OP – a guy who goes by the handle “solarwarrior” – outlines what sounds like a

Traffic Travis Review

As you might be aware, there is a huge variety of SEO software on the market. Some if it is free, some of it is expensive. Some of the software is superb, other examples are rubbish. Today I’m going to walk you through one of my absolute favorite pieces of SEO software; Traffic Travis. In

Bing Ads & Affiliate Marketing

Over the coming weeks I’m going to be sporadically documenting my attempts to drive traffic and sales with Bing Ads and affiliate marketing. The truth is, I’m getting a bit over the SEO grind … and am finding through my “day job” that I’m much more interested in paid traffic such as Adwords, Facebook ads,

Whitespark Local Citation Finder Review

What Does It Do? At its most basic, the Whitespark Local Citation Finder (as its name implies) is a tool designed to help you find relevant citations to boost the local SEO power of your/your client’s websites. You either put in a keyword and locale, such as “plumber Atlanta”, “bakery Wellington” and “3d printing Christchurch”,

Check Out My Fiverr SEO Gigs

One of my goals for 2015 is to reduce the amount I rely on selling Clickbank affiliate products, and instead branch out into offering more services. This might seem counter-intuitive at first (after all … shouldn’t we always be chasing “passive” income?) but I’m the kind of person who likes a challenge, and who enjoys

Honest AffiloJetpack 2.0 Review

Introduction On this page you’re going to find my honest review of Mark Ling’s AffiloJetpack 2.0 product. As one of the priciest affiliate marketing training products out there, I want to make sure you have a full understanding of the product before you drop any cash on it. Please be aware this is an honest,