My First Foray Into Cryptocurrency With Infinitecoin

As an avid online marketer, affiliate, and SEO nut I obviously love all aspects of technology. I especially love seeing the “hidden power” of the Internet become unlocked and unleashed for the masses to enjoy. One of the most exciting online developments of the past few years is cryptocurrency. You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, and

SaleHoo Review Part 2

In part 2 of my rolling/hands-on SaleHoo review (remember to read part 1 here) I will be taking a look at the wholesaler directory itself, and seeing if I can find a product or at least niche to focus on when I build my eCommerce website. Basically, I want to see if I can find

SaleHoo Hands-On Review (Part 1)

As part of my commitment to delivering a quality Internet marketing training experience for you, my valued reader, I’m throwing a complete curve ball out here and will be giving you an exclusive hands-on review of the leading wholesaler/supplier directory, SaleHoo (as well as its sister product, SaleHoo Stores) over the coming weeks. Ever since

Link Building Could Hurt Your Site

Link building is the hottest topic in the vast realm of SEO. Many webmasters dedicate countless hours of their lives to building links in the hope of reaching the Holy Grail of page one rankings for their keywords. However, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that SEO link building could actually be

How to Expand Your Content Marketing

Ever since the Google Panda algorithm change in February 2011, it has become increasingly clear for many SEO analysts that the role of quality content is only going to grow in leaps and bounds. Whereas link building and clever on-page SEO optimization techniques were formerly the mainstay of effective search marketing, the past few years

Is Link Building Dead?

Link building has long been touted as the most effective form of SEO. There is an endless litany of training courses, tutorial books, and software that all claim to hold the secret to effective link building (and therefore unbeatable Google rankings and organic search traffic). However, would your current approach to online marketing change if

Three SEO Hacks That Can Propel Your Website to the First Page of Google

Effective SEO does not need to be expensive, and it does not have to be complicated either. In this article you are going to discover three powerful SEO “hacks” that can help to propel your website to the first page of Google for even the most competitive of keywords. While no SEO method can guarantee

Add Me To Your Google Plus Circles

Dear reader, As you have stopped by my blog I would very much appreciate if you would consider adding me to your Google Plus circles. Just go here to visit my profile, and then add me to your circles. I will add you back as well.  

iWriter vs Hire Writers

When it comes to outsourcing article writing online, not everyone has the budget (or the need) to pay for absolute top-quality stuff. For example, I hire my services out as an article writer but I charge as much for one article as most people are willing to pay for half a dozen. If you’re just

Is Link Building A Waste Of Time?

SEO is probably one of the hottest topics in the Internet marketing world. There are literally thousands of blogs, websites, and forums dedicated to teaching you the arcane art of search engine optimization. Within the realm of this complex pseudoscience there lay two main distinctions: On-page SEO: Manipulating aspects of the content you place on